Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sometimes I wonder...

Like today... I wonder why a temperature of 34 degrees feels so much colder on April 15 than it did on January 15? Additionally... WHY are we having temps in the 30's in APRIL for heaven's sake??? But I guess I can't really complain after the beautiful, sunny Easter Sunday we just had.

And I wonder why every now and then this thought flashes through my mind: Omigosh! The cleaning lady is coming tomorrow and this place is a mess! So I wonder why I spend a whole day getting ready so the CL can spend half a day getting rid of our dust collection and vacuuming in places I can't reach. And then I spend a few more days looking for the things I hurriedly stashed away so the CL wouldn't have to deal with the clutter. Just wondering...

Like yesterday as I was sitting through the process of being "permed" I began to wonder... what possesses us ladies to submit ourselves to this modern day torture? After the B.O. (beauty operator) shampoos & creme rinses us, he partitions our locks into small sections and rolls each one of those sections onto a small plastic rod after first wrapping those hairs with a cigarette paper (anyway, it sure looks like a cigarette paper). That takes a while and is a little bit painful as the rods have to be rubber-banded tight to your head. Then he squirts some awful smelling liquid all over the rods & puts a plastic shower cap on your head, and you wait. Not too long, or else the permanent wave you went in for will be a permanent frizz for the next few months. The next step is a rinse with warm water, then the rods are squirted with another liquid, the 'neutralizer' (sounds a little ominous doesn't it) and then a final warm water rinse. You now have little ringlets all over your wet head. But... the B.O., using a hand held hair dryer and a brush, will attempt to pull those little ringlets into a straight line... so that he can then, using a hot curling iron, put some curl back into your hair... only not little ringlets, something larger and softer and more to your liking. Finally, you are combed out, fluffed up, sprayed down and sent on your merry way. Sometimes I wonder...


  1. Many a broad has had the same musings I'll bet, Sylsie. I will ponder these musings as I sit and crochet later... some things just don't make sense, eh? ah, the mysteries of life keep us wondering! keep the musings coming.

  2. I wonder, too. Is everything futile under the sun? seems like it sometimes...EXCEPT for having salad and ice tea for lunch, and then having chocolate cake and Irish coffee for dinner. Now THAT'S worth it!

  3. I wonder.....a why why why why she ran away....
