We noticed that when Ray takes off his shoes, Bandit Cat goes berserk... twisting & wiggling until he gets his head as far as possible into the deep (and smelly) recesses of said shoe. He is not a small cat so you can see he is not able to get all of him in there. Evidently, whatever he finds in there causes him great pleasure, as you can see by the look on his face in the picture above.
Those two kitty boys tried my patience severely a couple of nights ago. I was trying to get them to come in for the night (into the garage) and Bandit ran into the sunroom with a large mole dangling from his mouth. Of course, Smokey tried his best to share in the prize & they were both running around the room with me screaming & trying to drive them into the garage. Finally, Smokey (in a snit) ran out the back door into the dark & I got Bandit (and his mole) into the garage. I kept checking every 20 minutes or so, calling "kitty, kitty" out the back door but no Smokey. Meanwhile, Bandit was still in the garage and after a while he started having a fit to get into the sunroom. By then the mole had disappeared... I probably don't want to know where. So I opened the back door again, walked away and when I turned around... there was Smokey rolling around on the floor and playing with his very own (dead) mole...looking for all the world like he was telling Bandit "see... you're not so smart". More screaming & chasing and they finally settled down out in the garage... and next day... there was not hide nor hair of either mole. Sometimes I wonder... but, like I said... I don't really want to know.