Thursday, February 5, 2009

Washing the washing machine

Am I the only one whose washing machine gets dirty... on the inside?? Isn't the thing always full of hot soapy water? And doesn't the agitator always have lots of towels and shirts and undies rubbing up against it? I understand that the grime comes from the towels and shirts and undies, but shouldn't it all just rinse away and not stick to the blades of the bloomin' agitator??
And the fabric softener dispenser... don't even get me started! It holds back a smidgeon of that yellow (or blue or green) stuff in every load and pretty soon... (well, four years later)... there is a coating on the inside of that little cup that has to be scraped out with a bulldozer!
I just don't get it... how can that stuff stay in there against the torrents of rinse water that pour through the system? I don't know but I suspect it is the same law of physics that allows (encourages, even) tiny specs of dust to cling like velco onto a fan blade that is twirling around fast enough to cool off a roomful of middle-aged women in the midst of a hot flash.
Life is full of mystery.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha. Funny stuff. so, how does lint get into a clean bellybutton; how do toilets get so dirty when water should flush down everything; why does food grow mold when the cold temp of the fridge should preserve it??? why, Sylsie, why??
