Question: Why is this snowman eating Steven's hands? We'll never know the answer, but I am happy to report that (as of 2/22/09) the snowman is reduced to a small pile of dirty snow while Steven is perfectly fine (and still has all his fingers).
Question: Who or what is pulling out all the feathers on Dixie Bell's butt? Especially now in the dead of winter? Does that barearseness cause DB to have goose bumps... or would she necessarily have to have chicken bumps? Can someone out there knit her a pair of chicken bloomers?
Question: If the expiration date is (long) past on your carton of buttermilk... and the milk has "turned"... how would you know?
Question: What is a 'cob web'? I know what they look like (I have plenty)... but where do they come from? I have observed a spider spinning its web... a fascinating sight by the way, but I'm pretty sure cobs don't create webs. Having grown up on a farm, I have seen many a cob. Incidentally, it is a myth that corn cobs were used in the outhouses of yesteryear (that's what the Sears catalog was for). Ah yes, the outhouse... a distant memory. It was a simple structure with a 'bench seat' which had two holes cut in it... one small/medium for little or half grown people and one big hole for the grownups. When I was about 8 years old, I saw my first indoor toilet... and thought how clever that when the seat was down, that was for small/medium folks and when the seat was up, that was for the fatasses to sit on. But, I digress... and I still don't know who makes cob webs.