though we live only a few miles from there, we booked a room
so we would not have to worry about foul weather... or... driving
home after dark.
So, with the Mr. looking spiffy in his tux, and me, I was doing all right too...except for the shoes! I had been pleased to find a shoe
We easily found our assigned Table 75 and, since we were the first ones there, took the two best seats (naturally). As time went on it became obvious that there would not be any occupants at the ten empty place settings and we were left to ponder if the table simply didn't 'sell'... or if we missed the sign proclaiming this to be the Leper Table.
At any rate... there is something to be said about being the only two people at a table set for twelve. First off... you avoid that awkward situation where the first guy to grab a roll uses the wrong bread plate. And then everyone is confused about whether your own bread plate is on your left or your right and by the time you figure it out all the butter is gone.
And another good avoid altogether that smiling and nodding at the stranger seated next to you who has been talking non-stop since she (or he) sat down and you haven't heard a word because of the music blaring and the racket all around you.
We had a delicious meal and a wonderful evening just doesn't get any better.